Beyond Branding with high priestess and Business Witch Inarra Aryane Griffyn #2

Just when you thought you knew everything you needed to know about branding, business witch Inarra Aryane Griffyn shows us a new intuitive way to approach it.

In this episode I chat to Inarra about how her younger years shaped what she does now and how effortlessly she weaves her High Priestess hood into consciously communicating her soul message and brand values. Be ready for some real world debates as well as deep dives into quantum alignment and why seasonal business planning inspired by moon cycles and Celtic festivals is the New Earth Business way.

Make sure you listen right to the end where Inarra takes me on a shamanic journey to connect with my soul brand messaging and what happens next is profound.

In This Episode We Cover

✺ How to conscious communicate your personal story and relate it back to business

✺ What “New Earth” branding look's like and how to activate it

✺ Cyclical business planning, moon cycles and Celtic festivals

✺ Inarra's New Earth Visionary's Project and why we need it now

✺ Plus a stack of soul-led branding tips for entrepreneurs


Soul Brand Styling with Graphic Designer Christine Lieu #01