I’m thrilled to be collaborating with @jennywaiguen @laya.oneness to bring you an in person sonic experience, guided by the scared plant medicine of Cacao. So together we can sing our hearts into oneness, speak our truth and embody our creativity.
Location: @myceliumspace in Frome
Date: Dec 6th
Time: 7pm - 8.30pm
Price: £12 / 15 / £18
Did you know…
That woven into each of us are DNA strands of memories and codes that can be unravelled and experienced though soul song.
The Amazonian Shipibo people see life as a woven song, that music is revealed through the vibrational Kené patterns experienced during ayahuasca visions.
When we remember our heart song, we dissolve into oneness, and bring forth the divinity within.
Join Jenny and I for a 90 min sonic ritual to remember the collective heart song that is embedded within each of us.
Opening with a Cacao ceremony, you will then be guided through a Breathwork journey, preparing us to explore our voices and weave them into an intricate tapestry of collective voices and medicinal music.
This workshop is for all beings and bodies who have a desire to connect with and unlock their healing voice.
No previous experience of singing or drinking Cacao is required.
You are also still welcome to join us even if you'd prefer not to use your voice and just receive the codes shared by the facilitators and bathe in the collective resonance oneness.
* More connected to your soul voice
* Spacious and clear in your throat chakra
* Like your ready to speak your truth
* Heart centred and ready for those hard conversations
* Full of joy and deeply connected to your life force energy
Please bring something to lay on and make a cosy nest with ✨
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