The Seasonal Business

Planning Session

Free Masterclass & Notion Template

A 90min Masterclass and Notion Template to help you plan your business inline with the energy of the seasons so you can say goodbye to overwhelm, know when to get yourself out there and when to cocoon AND get ready to vision your best year yet!

Masterclass Feedback

“Thank you Emma!!!! Really helpful. I clearly need to focus more on wealth now I can actually see it written down.” - Brenna 

““It was amazing to see my plan aligned with the seasons and great to have the personal wellness aspect alongside business developments so they align.” - Phoebe

“I love the idea of organising myself with natures rhythms and cycles, let’s say synchronise instead!” - Marian

“I loved it Emma, I found it super helpful to break the year down into seasons so it’s not an overwhelming list of goals/ to do’s for the whole year.” - Gemma