Theres no need to travel anywhere, go within yourself - Rumi

Co creating in a new era of leadership and creativity


My Story

I was a confident little girl who loved performing, creating and making people laugh. When I reached my teen’s I realised it wasn't safe to ‘show off’ or draw attention to myself so I shrunk down, made some bad relationship choices and used drugs and alcohol to hide who I really was.

Then in my early 20’s I had a rebirth of sorts. I took my first job in a ski resort which turned into 5 snowy years of adventures, snowboards competitions and jagermeister hangovers. Gup! When I was in the mountains I felt truly free and spending every day in nature was nourishing for my soul.

Then one day it all came crashing down, I had an injury that would change my life forever, knock my confidence and lead me to finding comfort in the arms of a partner who struggled to love me the way I was. 

Read on ⤵️

My Mission

Help soul leaders birth unique offerings into the world

Activate a self confidence and soul purpose clarity

Rewrite the rule book on business and show up in ceremony

Awaken consciousness to the next level


The Awakening

And so the pattern from my teens began to repeat itself again and I truly believed that in order for people to like me I needed to be a certain way. This mentality was paralysing and led to me self sabotaging every creative project and idea I had before sharing it with the world. 

After my inevitable relationship break down and one month in bed, I had a mystical experience with the moon that changed my perspective and opened me up to source and altered states of consciousness. My so-called spiritual awakening aka spiritual remembering activated a deep trust in my bones and my ability to create magic.

In that moment I made the decision that I was enough and I was going to create an extraordinary life for myself. At that time, I had no idea of how I was going to do it, what I was going to do for work or where I was going to live.

After making that decision back in 2012 and handing my life over to spirit I was taken on one wild ride, to do a media degree at Westminster uni age 30, a job in a top creative agency in London, a new soul aligned partner, a community of conscious creators supporting me, coaches, healers and mentors all came out of the woodwork. And now here i am running my own creative healing business and helping other people to launch theirs too.

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The Real Me

I often work long hours and don't know when to stop

In true virgo fashion my perfectionism is real

I say yes way to much as I hate to let people down

I swing between organised chaos and being triumphantly tidy

If I skip a meal or forget to eat it’s time to call it a day

I have a short attention span so I’m always working on lots of projects at once

My Best Bits

🔥 You could call me a shapeshifter and sometimes it feels like I have led multiple lives as I’ve lived in 7 different countries and I love weaving myself in and out of communities and learning from them.

🔥 When the mood takes me I’m a performer and I love making people feel great about themself through my sharings.

🔥 I am a true mystic and love anything esoteric and I use my psychic abilities to manifest cool stuff. 

🔥 I am a creative powerhouse, I aim high and love to create the unexpected.

🔥 I’m a reflector in Human Design which means...


My Passions

🔥 Living life in ceremony with music, dancing and of course singing

🔥 Surfing at sun set in 3ft waves with my love

🔥 Waking up in my camper van with a view of the sea and salt in my hair and sand in my toes

🔥 Having deep quantum conversation with my besties

🔥 Laughing till my belly hurts with family and the oldest of friends

🔥 Self care, regular massage, naps and fine food